Announcing the Barry Goldstein Veronica York Partnership

Barry-Goldstein-Veronica-York.jpgIn July of 2021, Veronica York started working as my assistant with the hope and expectation this would lead to a professional partnership. The first time we met in person was for my testimony in a difficult Texas case. The court recognized the enormous harm caused by the abusive father, the children’s lives were saved, and they never had to be exposed to their abuser again. This successful case was the start of a successful relationship that has provided great benefits to clients, children, and our movement.

Veronica already possessed great knowledge and understanding of the issues, and I have been gratified by her growth as we have worked together. We enjoyed successful presentations for the Center for Judicial Excellence, NOMAS, Battered Mothers Custody Conference, Domestic Shelters, a medical inspired webinar for judges and the Diverse Voices Conference from Edmonton, Canada. We have written some important articles together including a list of 20 common mistakes evaluators make when they fail to consider ACE and Saunders. Veronica has expanded her work on behalf of our clients to include patterns of abuse, reports, and now expert testimony. During this time, I have grown ever more confident and trusting in Veronica’s work.(see Veronica's bio below)

If anyone has any questions, they can contact us here.

Introducing Veronica York

Veronica York headshotAfter a 20 year Sales and Marketing career in the Television Industry, Veronica York felt a passion and a calling to make a career change. Following a 10 year marriage that was both mentally and emotionally abusive, and going through a difficult custody battle, she started her High Conflict Coaching practice. During her experience with the family court system, she realized that the best interest of the children was not the first priority. Parental rights are trumping children’s rights and children are suffering unnecessarily due to the outdated practices of judges and other court professionals. Along with helping her clients navigate their custody battles, she is also an advocate for change in the family court system as well as a champion for Domestic Violence training and education. Veronica is certified with the High Conflict Divorce Certification Program and has advanced training in family law mediation. She performs speaking engagements and writes articles regarding the topics of Child Custody Issues that involve Intimate Partner Violence and Child Abuse. She also does training on the misuse of Parental Alienation and the effects of Post Separation Abuse during a divorce.

Here we grow again!

About Thilanka

Thilanka Dissanayake headshotThilanka Dissanayake is a certified victim's advocate, specializing in intervention, response, and justice, as well as an empowerment coach, consultant, advisor, and a dedicated supporter of women’s rights and victims’ rights. Her career began as a successful Chemical Engineer, but her own experience and her witness to the injustices to numerous victims by the institutions meant to protect them ignited her passion for advocacy and the desire to strengthen women’s confidence. She is on a mission to bring awareness to systemic injustices and contribute to policy changes on violence against women, provide empathetic support and guidance to victims and survivors, and guide women to strengthen and rebuild their identities. Thilanka sees her efforts as her life's work and a way of making the world a better place for her children and future generations. Thilanka enjoys reading, writing, painting, meditating, and spending time with her children.

Expert Witness

Serving as Expert Witness and Consultant in Domestic Violence Cases

Serving as Expert Witness and Consultant in Domestic Violence Cases
The Saunders’ study found that there is now a substantial body of current scientific research about domestic violence. This research would strongly support protective mothers’ cases and encourage reform of practices that work poorly for children. The problem is that the often unqualified “experts” and other professionals relied on in domestic violence cases are rarely familiar with current scientific research and so substitute their personal beliefs and biases instead. In our new book, Representing the Domestic Violence Survivor, we encourage attorneys, particularly at the start of a case to inform the court that there is now substantial research that could help courts make decisions that better protect children and ask the court to be open to hearing this information. The attorney will then need to present a genuine expert who understands domestic violence dynamics and is familiar with current research. We hope to train advocates and others to serve in this role but in the meantime, there are few people available with this needed expertise. Accordingly, Barry Goldstein and Veronica York have decided to make themselves available as expert witnesses and consultants in domestic violence cases. We wish we could afford to do this without charge but the best we can do is keep the costs reasonable.

DV is about control, including financial control. Since most of our work is with protective mothers, we use flat fee packages to reduce the cost and allow our clients and their attorneys to speak with us without the meter running.

The packages include our guidance, consulting, writings, and testimony. Clients may use all or some of the package, and all packages are non-refundable.

Change in travel fees Effective February 1, 2023:
*If travel is needed for testimony, there is an additional $500 fee per trip + travel costs.

Free: Brief consultation by email in which Barry and Veronica will point the client to useful research and strategies.

$100: One hour consultation by phone or zoom with client and/or attorney during which Barry and/or Veronica will make suggestions for strategies and research that can help the client. They also may follow-up by providing links to specific articles and information to support the case.

$1000: (plus travel costs*): Barry or Veronica will testify for one day. As part of this package, we will review a brief summary of the case, speak briefly with client and attorney and prepare testimony with attorney. We will answer hypothetical questions based on the research.

$2500: (plus travel costs*): Barry or Veronica will testify for one day. As part of this package, we will review a reasonable size summary of the case, prepare any expert report needed to qualify as an expert and consult with the attorney to help prepare the case and provide any needed research. We will be available by zoom, phone, and email to work with the client and attorney in preparing the case and help create a document that describes the pattern of abuse. We will also work with the attorney in preparing the testimony.

$5,000: (plus travel costs*): This package covers whatever assistance is needed through the end of the trial. This would include whatever testimony, reports and affidavits that are needed. Barry or Veronica will consult with the attorney and the client as needed. We will work with the attorney in preparing testimony and challenging any opposing “experts.” We will go to the community to meet with client and attorney if needed and provide whatever assistance will be useful.

$10,000: (plus travel costs*) This package not only covers all the assistance needed as described in the package immediately above, but also covers any assistance needed for any appeal and in future court proceedings for any modifications or violations. In other words, this covers everything for the life of the case.

Other combinations of services can also be arranged.


We won our relocation case ...The judge understood everything! …I am so happy. She said she found it so "disturbing" that the DV was so minimized (probably a side eye to the GAL) because she doesn't think that DV just goes away because the parties don't live together. That he took no responsibility, no accountability, didn't do the therapy, continued to have excuse after excuse and that there are new allegations about his home life don't speak to any meaningful change. I mean it was all so beautiful.

Client, IL

In a time where there is no shortage of misconceptions and a general lack of understanding surrounding domestic abuse and the effects of trauma on survivors and their children within local justice systems, Barry Goldstein has the experience and expertise to shed light on this very important issue. Having personally worked with Mr. Goldstein as an expert witness, I can speak to the justice that occurs for abuse survivors and the children at issue as a direct result of Mr. Goldstein's insight and expert opinions contributing to the evidence before the court. I highly recommend Mr. Goldstein for any party or attorney in need of an expert to establish the dynamics of abuse and effects of trauma for their bench officer.

Sarah Yacoub, Esq., Equal Justice Inc., WI

Thank you for your unwavering patience and support through this difficult process. The judge provided her ruling yesterday ... I got the move away and they kept the restraining order in place for both my daughter and me. I could not hold back my tears as the judge read specific messages of harassment from my ex-husband in her ruling. It was very hard to listen to…Even though we did not end up requiring your testimony, the fact that we had presented you as a witness kept the opposing counsel on their heels. Thanks so much, God bless both of you.

Client, CA

The judge listened to Barry and the relevant info…Thanks to you both for your fantastic work on this case and the support.

Thea Gilbert, Esq., AZ

I just wanted to say thank you for your testimony yesterday. I know that the judge prides herself on her knowledge of DV but the information you provided I believe made her take a step back and rethink what she is going to do in this matter.

Attorney, CA