New Book Coming Soon

New book coming - graphic for announcement. We will soon be publishing a new book co-edited with Dr. Mo Therese Hannah. The book is called Preventing Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Medical, Law Enforcement, Judicial and Human Benefits. It is based on our belief that the ACE (adverse childhood experiences) Studies offer a similar opportunity to the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report linking smoking and cancer. ACE tells us that exposure to DV and child abuse causes cancer, heart disease, and many other health and social problems. Many different parts of society helped discourage smoking and in doing so saved millions of lives and trillions of dollars. Preventing DV and child abuse offers the same opportunity. We spoke with the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, and the CDC about their work to prevent smoking and their work to reduce DV and child abuse. We believe courts and legislators would be more likely to listen to the research that supports protective mothers if the information is coming from these highly respected organizations.

In 1961, the Cancer Society and two other health organizations wrote a letter to President Kennedy informing him about research linking cancer and smoking. President Kennedy asked the Surgeon General to create a committee to study the problem. This led to the Surgeon General’s Report and all the subsequent efforts that have reduced smoking resulting in enormous health and other benefits.

The book has chapters by experts in a variety of fields and communities. They discuss past harmful practices and what has and can be done by each community to prevent DV and child abuse. The United States spends over $3.6 trillion dollars to tolerate domestic violence. At the start of the DV movement in the 1970s, society came together will many reforms that made it easier for victims to leave their abusers. This led to a steady decrease in DV homicides. Abusers and the cottage industry responded by developing tactics to regain what they believe is their right to control their victims by manipulating the family courts. Tragically, the courts have failed to update their practices or integrate the research that would make it easier to recognize and respond to DV and child abuse. As a result, abusers are often successful in custody cases. This makes it harder for victims to leave and exposes children to multiple ACEs. The family court failures have reversed the DV homicide rate so that women are now murdered by their partners at a rate almost as high as when the DV movement started.

We are excited to publish this book from Civic Research Institute because it could be the start of a major response to prevent DV and child abuse to gain the human and economic benefits. The same kind of social change we did with smoking. We are hoping the book will be available late this year or early next year.

Scared to Leave Afraid to Stay

The author explains why choices were made and how courts would be expected to respond to a variety of situations. The last section of the book discusses the reforms needed to make the courts safe for battered women. It is important to know that there is a potential better life for the women on the other side of the court case.

In 2009 the Battered Mothers Custody Conference gave Barry Goldstein its “Believer” Award in response to the retaliation by the New York courts to his ethical actions in exposing an abusive judge. The “Believer” Award was named after a chapter in this book which has proven inspirational to many protective mothers and professionals seeking to help them.

Three brave children, whom the book is dedicated to, told their mother that their father was physically and sexually abusing them. The mother complained to Child Protective Services (CPS) and sought a protective order and sole custody. Initially the children were protected and the father limited to supervised visitation. The children told their attorney, the evaluator, the judge, and the CPS caseworker what their father did to them, but as often happens in these cases, the professionals assumed the mother was brainwashing the children and threatened to take the children from her unless she stopped. The judge ordered normal visitation to resume. Before the first visitation, the father was confronted by the baby sitter in the presence of the law guardian and admitted to kissing his daughters on their privates. The law guardian immediately made a motion to stop the visitation which was supported by the mother’s attorney, Barry Goldstein. The judge consulted with the evaluator. The evaluator said the father used bad judgment but there was no reason to stop the visitation. The four-year-old was penetrated for the first time during the visitation. Barry made a new CPS complaint based on the father’s admission. When the judge found out he yelled and screamed at Barry saying that CPS had already investigated. The new caseworker conducted a more thorough investigation, learned the father had acted even worse than alleged and brought charges against him. The children never had any visitation thereafter that wasn’t supervised. When the mother won custody she invited the caseworker and her attorney for a celebratory dinner. The children had gifts for them, but most important was the name they called them. They called them believers because they believed the children when all the professionals who were supposed to protect them didn’t. There is no greater honor than to be called a believer.

Buy the book here on Amazon